About Us

हाम्रो बारे

ईन्क्लुसिभ मिडियाले फाउन्डेसन नामक गैरसरकारी गैरनाफामुखी संस्थाको नाममा लाईसेन्स प्राप्तगरी संचालित रेडियो कैरन ९६.४ मेगाहर्ज समुदायले, समुदायकै लागि संचालन गरिएको एक विशुद्ध सामुदायिक एफएम रेडियो हो । 

नयाँ खवर वा समचारलाई बुझाउने शव्द कैरन लाई अर्को अर्थमा जनआवज वा जनबोली भन्ने जनाउँदछ । यि सवै शव्दलाई सजिलो रुपमा अर्थ लगाउने शव्द कैरनको नाममा संचालित यो रेडियो कैरन रामेछाप जिल्लाको बाम्तीभण्डार गाविसको देउराली डाँडाको करिव २७५० मिटर उचाईमा अवस्थीत छ । यो रेडियो हाल सोलुखुम्वु, ओखलढुङगा, रामेछाप, दोलखा, सिन्धुली र खोटाङ र सिन्धुपाल्चोक जिल्लाको केही माथिल्लोभागमा गरी ७ जिल्लामा प्रत्यक्ष सुन्न सकिन्छ । भने यो वेवसाईट मार्फत ईन्टरनेट उपलब्ध हुने संसारको सवै ठाउँहरुमा यो रेडियो प्रत्यक्ष सुन्न सकिन्छ । २०६९ बैशाख २० गते रेडियो संचालनका लागि लाईसेन्स प्राप्त गरिएको रेडियो कैरन २०७० भदौ ३१ गतेदेखि प्रशारण आएको हो । भने कार्तिक २०७० साल कार्तिक १५ गते देखि नियमित प्रशारणमा भैरहेको छ । 

Radio Kairan 96.4 Mhz is a community radio, for, by and of the community, based in in Bamti-Bhandar, Deurali, Ramechhap district, the eastern part of Nepal, on the classic trail to go to Mt. Everest.

The license was obtained by Inclusive Media Foundation, non-profit, non-partisan, and non-governmental organization of professional journalists working in different mainstream media in National level, formally registered with the District Administration Office, Kathmandu. The license for operation of radio was obtained on 2nd, May, 2012 and brought into air from September 16, 2013.

The term Kairan in Nepali means, the voice of the peoples.

The radio which is set up in the remote Himalayan region Nepal aims to inform, educate, entertain, and persuade villagers to act together for bringing a positive change in their village. Particularly, the radio aspires to support in accessing of quality education and health facilities, sustainable agriculture and infrastructure and the rural tourism. 

The radio is being assisted by the professional and well-trained journalists from the same village who are working in the mainstream media in Nepal, who have trained the local youth and women, teachers, social workers, making them capable to manage and run the radio.

The radio wave reaches approximately across 7-districts namely Ramechhap, Okhaldhunga, Solukhumbu, Dolakha, Sindhuli, Khotang, and Sindhupalchowk district. However, the radio Kairan is specifically serving mainly between 10 to 12 village development committees namely--Bamti-Bhandar, Kumbhu-Kansthali, Gumdel, Chuchure, Sivalaya, (of Ramechhap district), Khinja and Goli and one more adjoining VDCs of Solukhumbu, Rawa-Dolu and Bhusinga of Okhaldhunga district and Shyama and Mali of Dolakha of Dolakha district.

This radio Kairan is a small radio station with 100 watt capacity, but is one of the model Radio stations in remote villages in the Himalayan region. The radio is also streamed through the internet (online) so that people who are migrated from the village to cities or abroad will equally be benefited.

According to the feedback provided to us by listeners, radio Kairan has been primary medium or source of information, communication and exchange of message among the family members/relatives living abroad and in the village. Similarly, it has been partner for the quality education, health, information, and entertainment but equally be the main partner of sustainable tourism and local development in the specific villages where it is targeting to.

Objectives of Radio Kairan

  • To increase the access to true and appropriate information, education, health, and awareness to the communities living in the rural villages of Ramechhap, Dolakha, Solukhumbu, Sindhuli and Okhaldhunga district.
  • To enhance suitable awareness among the communities necessary for the community and village development.
  • To flow the suitable information and be the partner of every developmental work in regards to sustainable tourism, development, agriculture, infrastructure, etc that are conducted in the village level and do advocacy for the sustainable development of the target villages. 
  • To help preserve and protect the distinct language, culture, rituals of various ethnic groups residing in the area by producing and airing program in the local languages mainly of Sherpa, Koits-Sunuwar, Tamang, Newar and other ethnic and caste groups in particular and whole other caste and ethnic groups in general.